CodePress - Real Time Syntax Highlighting Editor written in JavaScript

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Sometime ago I wrote a post regarding an online code editor called 9ne.Well today I found another of its kind simply called CodePress . According to the description of the projects homepage "CodePress is web-based source code editor with syntax highlighting written in JavaScript that colors text in real time while it's being typed in the browser." There is also a demo for you to try some supported languages like Javascript, CSS, PHP, HTML etc. Despite the fact that CodePress is a really powerful enchantment for your web applications it has one major bug for now. It doesn't support c/p from other text editors making copied text to loose it indent... hope they fix that in the future. CodePress is another cool tool for web developers that don't to use more than their own application to alter code files etc. Here is a list of some of its features:

  • Real-time syntax highlighting » just write some code
  • Code snippets » on PHP example type "if" and press [tab]
  • Auto completion » simple type " or ( or ' or [ or { on any example below (except Plain Text)
  • Shortcuts » on PHP example press [ctrl][shift][space]. It's shortcut to
  • Multiple windows » you can add multiple CodePress windows to the same page
Project homepage:

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