Blueprint: A CSS Framework
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Ingredients: CSS, css websites, tools / resources, typography, web design, web typography, web usability
Great news for the CSS manics around the web! About 2 days ago the new version of Blueprint was released. Blueprint is a CSS "framework" that helps in designing CSS based layouts providing a grid, somethinglike a debuggin tool. The current release (Blueprint v0.3) covers the features listed below.
- An easily customizable grid
- Sensible typography
- A typographic baseline
- Perfected CSS reset
- A stylesheet for printing
- No bloat of any kind
- Support for PNG transparency in IE5.5+ (js)
- Relative font sizing everywhere
- Multiple versions with different grid customizations
- Liquid layout version
- Compressed versions of the files to reduce load times
Project's homepage
0 candy-tate(s)!:
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